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September 18, 2006



I saw the entire album posted online and read every line of the journaling. I was amazed how honest Sandi and her mom could be, and the whole thing really moved me. This is an album I will never forget.


I am a online friend of your Mom's and also met her in person 3 times now in PENNSYLVANIA when she comes to visit, in July she brought the album along and I seen it in the FLESH, Sandi , it was a good undertaking indeed a healing for your Mom , I believe as everybody says to her WHY did you put up with that! She in person is able to smile and tell WHY.............
I am so so happy she is having a HAPPY and GOOD QUALITY OF LIFE NOW!
It is like a JOAN CRAWFORD STYLE that he was of, family secrets and well you can pass it to your family and GOod your ok about it mentally!

Good job!
I had a very mentally abusive father and to my mother well, she told me all as an adult the things he would do and say, Unfortunatly She died in 1998, I still have my father and though he has mellowed out and all at 83 yrs old now, I still remember how he treated my mother and NOW he has HER ON A THRONE Like she was a QUEEN, yes he lost out on a beautifull woman when she died, BUT he never appreciated what he had til she did die.

Hugs Tina in PA

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